ColorScope for October 2021

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Color Energy

October 2021 – 6 = Indigo

The Indigo color ray is associated with the sixth or Anja chakra or what’s known as the third eye and is located between your brows.

With Indigo, your spiritual understanding continues to unfold.  This understanding becomes more attuned to daily reality, rather than being based on faith and devotion as it is in Blue natives.  You seek to integrate this process of understanding within yourself.  Mankind’s utilization and expression of the Indigo ray is on a latent level at present.

You assist in relieving inner energy from its fears, frustrations and inhibitions.  As Blue’s function is to uplift the mind, you offer a clearer perception of the reality of the life process.

You have your consciousness focused upon realms beyond the physical manifestation.  You better understand the duality of spirituality and materialism.  Rather than bringing energy to bear on outward manifestations of existence, you employ a greater receptivity to increased inward perception.

Based on your inherent understanding of the life process, you are often involved in idealistic and artistic pursuits as you respond to requests to transmit your intuitive understanding to others.  You seek to create the beauty of life as it was “meant to be” out of a less than perfect reality.  Above all, you seek justice and fairness in your dealings.  You are the mediator, the negotiator, for within you is tolerance and recognition of the mire in which others allow themselves to live.

The seeming contradiction between your dreams and “reality” serves as the impetus for greater works and accomplishments on behalf of all. Because you see beauty everywhere you go, many who don’t understand you accuse you of being unrealistic and living in “your own little world”.

You can be sure whatever world you and others of your color’s influence inhabit is one of peace and beauty.  You are driven to express the beauty you perceive and through this sharing, mankind gains comfort and happiness.  To you, love is all-important.  Love is more than a need or a want, it is a foundation upon which your very existence is built.  Your time and home become a refuge for any who are in need of comfort and peace.  You give and give and still find more to offer.  No promise is ever left unfulfilled.  As you assist in freeing the rest of us from our inhibitions, you also seek to broaden our horizons of knowledge, to teach, to educate, to make the basic processes of life easier to understand.

However, when you manifest your negative attributes, instead of serving as the universal comforter, you can decide to withdraw from the battle, and become the classic hermit.  Removing yourself from the mainstream, you refuse any and all responsibility.  The beauty of life you perceive becomes locked within.  When you forbid yourself free expression, you attain a paralytic state of mind, resulting in a scattering of mental energies, forgetfulness and fixed opinions and set ways.  Instead of tolerant and loving, you become dogmatic and austere.  You become cynical, intolerant, and inconsiderate.  Your innate desire to be of assistance to mankind transforms to becoming an interfering busybody, not only unable and unwilling to help others, but unable to help yourself.  You can control these energies, however.

This is your true purpose, for you have been given vast resources and must share your perception of life’s beauty with others.

Physical indications that you are out of balance in this ray are: thyroid imbalances, swollen glands, fevers and flu, infections, mouth, jaw, tongue, neck and shoulder problems, hyperactivity, adrenal exhaustion, hormonal disorders such as PMS, mood swings, bloating and menopause

Doing a full 27 card spread for the month of October, we get the following:

Overall Reading – The first triad will be a time of seeking out the Truth behind the veil of everyday happenings. Fact checking and investigating are in order here. With so many Oracles and Harbingers there will be many warnings and forecasts. Listen to your heart for guidance.

The second triad will be a time for finding the structure for growth. The Truth will be unveiled and now it’s time to decide what to do with it.

Lastly, the end of the month will see slow movement; one step forward, and two back. We have to remember it’s a dance and it’s the net steps forward that matter.

Indigo 6 as Significator gives us: Oracle. People turn to you for truth and stability amid chaos.

First Triad – October 1 – 10

Gold Harbinger – A harbinger is a forerunner, someone who clears the way for another. What is obstructed, obfuscated or muddied up? Gold is the end and the beginning of cycles. What has been foretold that is happening now? What’s your role?

Yellow Decoy – The Decoy card is a cautionary card. There is the possibility of gossip, misleading conversations and untruths made to seem true. When this card surfaces, it is a time to double check your facts and your intuition, to verify what you think is Truth or double check the facts. Within embellishment can be falsehoods. Stick to the facts of the matter.

Blue Seeker – You are in search of wisdom and enlightenment always. And as you search, the depth of what you experience is more than surface deep. Blue is a conversation in search of participants. It is you, Truth Sayer, who will find them.

Gold Planifest – The Planifest card is 9, the number of completion and rebirth. Plan to manifest and manifest your plan. This card signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of the next. What do you want? What would delight? What vision can you manifest today? This is a very special card in that it completes both the color spectrum and the single digit numbers. 9 is a magic number and is considered a complete number.

Orange Harbinger – A harbinger is a forerunner, someone who clears the way for another. What is obstructed, obfuscated or muddied up? What is beginning to awaken that only you can see?

Gold Oracle – The Oracle is one who uncovers, who brings Truth to Light. This card shows a desire to get to the bottom of things, to spread the Truth and calm the soul of others during turbulence. People turn to you for truth and stability amid chaos. As gold is the beginning and ending, what is completing and starting anew?

Yellow Emergence – You are ready to step forward, out into the light. There’s something you’ve been working on that hasn’t been successful in the past, but you can’t let it go. You still believe in it and have reformed it into something better. You are unfolding, Beloved, and the Universe is waiting.

Green Oracle – The Oracle is one who uncovers, who brings Truth to Light. This card shows a desire to get to the bottom of things, to spread the Truth and calm the soul of others during turbulence. People turn to you for truth and stability amid chaos. What structures do you see? What needs to be changed?

Violet Oracle – The Oracle is one who uncovers, who brings Truth to Light. Violet never takes anything at face value. Whatever there is you see in the future, before you share it you validate it fully.

Second Triad – October 11 – 20

Rose Harbinger – A harbinger is a forerunner, someone who clears the way for another. What is obstructed, obfuscated or muddied up?

Indigo Upportunity – The Upportunity card is a search for chances to uplevel your Self. It is seeking opportunities to rise above the herd to stand forth with your Gifts and Wisdom. This is a time of unfolding, of growing and surging into the unknown. Grab it and run!

Rose Oracle  – As Rose is a higher octave of Red, it has a lot of attributes of Red, drive, passion, survival, but softened by experience. You understand the life process since you are also beyond the visual spectrum which terminates at Violet. You see beyond what is strictly physical and begin to realize the spiritual as well. Your purpose is to blend the two. You are altruistic, motivated to share your understanding for the betterment of humanity. You are deeply compassionate.

Green Planifest – What structures are becoming obsolete? What structures or containers need to be built?

Violet Child – One of the more annoying appearances of the Child cards. Violet is always asking “why” and is never satisfied. They want so much for all beyond what is physical and are not going to stop until they get it.

Indigo FOCUS – In Indigo, your spiritual understanding continues to unfold. You see what you’ve previously taken on Faith before you, You’re more anchored. You have a consciousness focused on realms beyond physical manifestation and you understand the duality of spirituality and materialism. But as Indigo, you concern yourself more on inward growth than on outward manifestation. You want your reality as it “should be”. You seek to create beauty out of chaos and because of that many see you as living  in “your own little world”. Yet you give and give and find more to give to those seeking your comfort.

FOCUS in my methodology has 5 parts: Fierce Devotion, Optimizing YOUR time and resources, Creating opportunities, Understanding what you want and Seeing your goal complete before it happens. Coming from Indigo’s wisdom and insight abilities, this is a card advising a tightening of your attentions, a reminder to pay attention to balance and remember you are not alone in your journey.

Yellow Child – This is the dreamer, the visionary. Lost in your daydreams, it’s hard for you to know what’s real and what’s imaginary.

Yellow Emergence – You are ready to step forward, out into the light. There’s something you’ve been working on that hasn’t been successful in the past, but you can’t let it go. You still believe in it and have reformed it into something better. You are unfolding, Beloved, and the Universe is waiting. It’s time to step over the threshold you’re standing on and find the firm ground from which to take the next step.

Red FOCUS – Unerring, passionate intention on what you want, regardless of what it costs.

Indigo Child – In the Indigo Child, the universal comforter is independent, not wanting to follow the route set out for you. You are driven to find the beauty in a given situation no matter the thorns. However, when the Child throws a tantrum and withholds yourself from others and are showing the negative side of the Indigo Ray, you are cynical, self-serving and intolerant. Your innate desire to be of assistance transforms to being a busybody and not only unable to help others, but unable to help yourself.

Third Triad – October  21 – 31

Green Emergence – It’s about starting over when you think you’ve lost it all. You are ready to step forward, out into the light. There’s something you’ve been working on that hasn’t been successful in the past, but you can’t let it go. You still believe in it and have reformed it into something better. You are unfolding, Beloved, and the Universe is waiting.

Gold Seeker – The Seeker card invokes the image of a journey. You are in search of wisdom and enlightenment always. And as you search, the depth of what you experience is more than surface deep. You have completed one journey and are starting another. As you learn and as you wander, your knowledge and wisdom grow as well.

Blue Harbinger – A harbinger is a forerunner, someone who clears the way for another. What is obstructed, obfuscated or muddied up? Blue is the color of communication. How can you clear up what is unclear?

Rose Upportunity – The Upportunity card is a search for chances to uplevel your Self. It is seeking opportunities to rise above the herd to stand forth with your Gifts and Wisdom.

Rose Emergence – It’s about starting over when you think you’ve lost it all. You are ready to step forward, out into the light. There’s something you’ve been working on that hasn’t been successful in the past, but you can’t let it go. You still believe in it and have reformed it into something better. You are unfolding, Beloved, and the Universe is waiting.

Red Oracle – The Oracle is one who uncovers, who brings Truth to Light. This card shows a desire to get to the bottom of things, to spread the Truth and calm the soul of others during turbulence. Bring your ability to ground the flightiest squirrel, Red. It’s needed out here.

Gold Upportunity – The Upportunity card is a search for chances to uplevel your Self. It is seeking opportunities to rise above the herd to stand forth with your Gifts and Wisdom.

Yellow Planifest – This card signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of the next. Now is the time to create a plan for the future. What do you want? What would delight? What vision can you manifest today?

Rose Decoy – There is the possibility of gossip, misleading conversations and untruths made to seem true. When this card surfaces, it is a time to double check your facts and your intuition, to verify what you think is Truth or double check the facts. Within embellishment can be falsehoods. Stick to the facts of the matter.


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